Let's talk about office affair/relationship Recently, i am thinking if there is an advantage of office affair. Well, when i mentioned office affair i am not referring to individuals who cheating on their partner. You know, may be there are someone in the workplace who love each other. Again, i believe loving someone who love you back is another miracle. Em... I love watching people and i know there are few couple in the office. I think i understand why, spending 8 hours together for 5 days in a row will make them closer. The co-worker create another community in our live (at least that what i see). What great about office's affair is it will motivated the individuals coming to work but for those who cannot control their emotion it will be hard to not showing their affection to each other in workplace. As long as they know the limit, the limit? Well,once i saw a couple kissing in front of me on the stair (not in office of course-cannot recall where is it)....
Okay, I am complicated. One simple question always lead to endless sleep and I just have to write down about this one because I think this is important. But, don't continue reading if you don't like what you are reading. Beberapa bulan yang lalu, masa bercuti sy tertinggal pil perancang di hometown. Jadi laki sy jadi mangsa la kena suruh beli yang baru...dari airport sampai la pharmacy paling dekat dengan rumah barulah jumpa. Kemudian masa makan (yeah...kmi mmg jenis masa makan pun nda habis2 cerita. Malah paling best topik selalu keluar masa makan😆). H: kau tau ka pil kau tu dibuat di India. W:Jadi? H:Kalau dia berkesan kenapa India ada 1.3 billions population W:Tidak tau la. Mungkin accident. Kemudian, tadi petang mcm kebetulan saja ini cerita dari India limpas masa sy buka TV. Mau habis sudah tapi sempat tengok part yg ada kaitan dgn isu d atas. Ringkasnya, Doc ni cakap in India...talking about that part of human body dianggap lucah. Kita semua tahu bagaimana sat...
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